
PHP Interview Questions

PHP Interview Questions

Hello friends Again I am here with new concept. Today we discuss some most important PHP Interview Questions. These questions are frequently ask in any company. I hope all these are helpful for you. So let's start....

What is PHP?
What are the common usage of PHP?
What is the purpose of php.ini file?
What is escaping to PHP?
Is PHP a case sensitive language?
What are the characteristics of PHP variables?
What are the different types of PHP variables?
What are rules for naming a PHP variable?
What is NULL?
How will you define a constant in PHP?
What is the purpose of constant() function?
What are PHP magic constants?
What is the purpose of _LINE_ constant?
What is the purpose of _FILE_ constant?
What is the purpose of _FUNCTION_ constant?
What is the purpose of _CLASS_ constant?
What is the purpose of _METHOD_ constant?
What is numeric array?
What is associate array?
How will you locate a string within a string in PHP?
How will you get environment variables in PHP?
What is the purpse $_PHP_SELF variable?
How will you redirect a page using PHP?
How can you display a file download dialog box using PHP?
How will you get information sent via get method in PHP?
Which function will you use to create an array?
How can you sort an array?
How will you concatenate two strings?
What is the use of $_REQUEST variable?
How will you open a file in readonly mode?
Can you assign the default values to a function parameters?
How will you set cookies using PHP?
How will you get cookies using PHP?
How will you delete a cookie?
How will you start a session in PHP?
How will you access session variables in PHP?
How will you check if session variable is already set or not in PHP?
How will you unset a single session variable?
How will you send an email using PHP?
What is the purpose of $_FILES variable in PHP?
How will you access the uploaded file in PHP?
How will you access the actual name of the uploaded file in PHP?
How will you retrieve formated string of trace in PHP when error occured?
How will you get the current date and time using PHP?
What is the purpose of getdate() function?
What is the purpose of date() function?
How will you connect a MySql database using PHP?
How ereg() function works?
How eregi() function works?
How split() function works?
How preg_match() function works?
How will you create a MySql database using PHP?
How will you parse an XML document using PHP?
Can you create a class in PHP?
How will you add a constructor function to a PHP class?
How will you add a destructor function to a PHP class?
How will you access the reference to same object within the object in PHP?
How will you create objects in PHP?
How will you call member functions of a class in PHP?
What is function overriding?
What are interfaces n PHP?
What is the use of final keyword?
How will you access the size of the uploaded file in PHP?
How will you access the content type of the uploaded file in PHP?
How will you access the error code associated with file upload in PHP?
What is the purpose of $GLOBALS variable in PHP?
What is the purpose of $_SERVER variable in PHP?
What is the purpose of $_SESSION variable in PHP?
What is the purpose of $_PHP_SELF variable in PHP?

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