Meta Tags
The < meta > tag, live in the < head > rather than the < body > of a document and contain information about a document (rather than information that is part of the document that you would see in the browser window). The information can be used for a number of purposes including helping search engines index your site, specifying the author of a document, and, if the document is time - sensitive, specifying when the page should expire.
The < meta >
element is an empty element and so does not have a closing tag. Instead, <
meta > elements carry information within attributes, so you need a forward
slash character at the end of the element.
For example, here is a < meta > element
that provides a description of a online tutorial web site:
< meta name=”description” content=”read a online tutorial for html” / >
The < meta >
element can take eight attributes, four are universal attributes
The other four <
meta > element are:
http – equiv
The name and
content attributes tend to be used together, as do the http - equiv and content
attributes. These
pairings will be addressed next.
name and
content Attributes
The name and
content attributes specify properties of the entire page. The value of the name
attribute is the property you are setting, and the value of the content
attribute is the setting that you want to give this property.
Here you can see a
< meta > element where the name attribute indicates that you are going to
specify a description for the page, and the content attribute is where this
description of the page goes:
< meta name=”description” content=”read online tutorial of html” / >
The value of the
name attribute can be anything; no restrictions are published in any standards.
Therefore, if you
need to add your own information about a document and its content, you can use
this element. Some predefined values for this attribute that are commonly used
description : Specifies a description of the page
keywords : Contains a list of comma -
separated keywords that a user might search on to find
the page
Indicates how
search engines should index the page The description and keywords properties
can be used by programs called crawlers, bots, or spiders, which most search
engines use to help index web sites. Therefore, they ’ re worth adding to any
web page. These programs go through web sites, adding information to the
databases used by the search engines, following links as they come across them,
indexing those pages, and so on — this is how search engines manage to index so
many sites.
Using name
with a Value of description
You have already
seen an example of giving the name attribute a value of description , and using
the content property to specify a sentence that describes the site. Some search
engines display the value of the description property in their search results.
A description
should be a maximum of 200 characters long, although some search engines, such
as Google, display only the first 100 characters. Therefore, you should try to
get across the main content in the first 100 characters.
For example, here
is the < meta > tag showing the description of the homepage
(at the time this site is design):
< meta name=”description” content=”this site is free for every one” / >
And here is the
description that you will see if you type tutorial4us:
“we find all the
tutorials related to this site”.
Using name
with a Value of keywords
The keywords
property was created to supply a list of words that a search engine could use
to index the site. In practice, search engines take very little (if any) notice
of this anymore, although many sites will still provide keywords in this
manner. For example, an online tutorial might use keywords, such as this:
< meta name=”keywords” content=”online tutorial for java, c, c++, html, CSS” / >
A rough guideline
to the limit of the text should be around 200 characters. You should never use
words that do not directly relate to the content of the site. Ideally, the same
keywords should also appear in the text for that page.
You could also use
the lang attribute in conjunction with the description and keywords to indicate
the language they are using, or to offer keywords in multiple languages. For
example, here are the keywords in U.S. English:
< meta name=”keywords” content=”online tutorial java, c, c++, html, CSS” lang=”en-us” / >
And again in
< meta name=”keywords” content=” online tutorial java, c, c++, html, CSS” lang=”fr” / >
And finally in
< meta name=”keywords” content=” online tutorial java, c, c++, html, CSS” lang=”de” / >
Using name
with a Value of robots
As I mentioned
earlier, many search engines use programs to index web pages on their behalf.
You can use the
name attribute with a value of robots to prevent one of these programs from
indexing a page or
from following links on the page (because many of these programs follow the
links they find on
your site and index those, too). For example, you probably would not want a
search engine to
index any pages that you are still developing, or which you use to administer
the site.
Here you can see
that the < meta > element tells search engines not to index the current
page or to follow
any of the links on
it to index those.
< meta
name=”robots” content=”noindex, nofollow” / >
The content attribute can have the
values shown in the table that follows.
Value Meaning
all Index all pages.
None Index no pages.
Index Index this page.
noindex Do not index this page.
follow Follow links from this
Nofollow Do not follow links from
this page.
By default the
values would be all , index , and follow , allowing web crawlers to follow any
link and index all pages.
If you want to
prevent pages from being indexed you should use this technique in conjunction
with a file called robots.txt , which is discussed in the “ robots.txt ” section
later in this chapter.
http -
equiv and content
The http - equiv
and content attributes are paired together to set HTTP header values. Every time a web browser requests a page,
HTTP headers are sent with the request, and each time the server responds sending
a page back to the client, it adds HTTP headers back to the client:
The headers sent
from a browser to a server when it requests a page contain information such as
the type of
browser, the operating system, the screen resolution, the date, the formats the
browser will
accept, and other information about the user ’ s configuration.
The headers
returned from a server to a web browser contain information such as the type of
web server, the
date and time the page was sent, and the date and time the page was last
modified. Of
course, the headers can contain
much more information, and using the < meta > tags is one way of adding
new headers to be sent with the document. For example, you might want to add a
header to indicate when the page should expire (no longer be valid) — which is
especially helpful if the document contains things such as special offer prices
which you know will expire on a certain date — or to refresh a page after a
period of time.
Expiring Pages
It can be important
to expire pages because browsers have something known as a cache , a space on the hard drive
where they store pages of web sites you have visited. If you go back to a site
you have already visited, the browser can load some (or all) of the page from
the cache rather than having to retrieve the whole page again. This is done
because it can make the page load quicker (since the browser does not have to
collect as much data).
Here you can see a
< meta > tag that will cause the page to expire on Friday, April 16,
2011, at 11:59 (and 59 seconds) p.m. Note that the date must follow the format
< meta http-equiv=”expires” content=”Fri, 16 April 2011 23:59:59 GMT” / >
If this were
included in a document and the user tried to load the page after the expiry
date, then the browser would not use the cached version; rather it would try to
find a fresh copy from the server. This helps ensure that users get the latest
copies of documents and thereby prevents people from using out -of - date
Preventing a Browser from Caching a
You can prevent
some browsers from caching a page altogether using the value pragma for the
http - equiv attribute and a value of no - cache for the content attribute like
< meta http-equiv=”pragma” content=”no-cache” / >
Refreshing and Redirecting Pages
You can set a page
to refresh after a certain number of seconds using the following < meta >
tag, which gives the http - equiv attribute a value of refresh :
< meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”10;URL=” / >
This will cause the
page to refresh itself after 10 seconds. You can see the number of seconds
given as the first part of the value for the content attribute, which is
followed by a semicolon, the keyword URL, an equal sign, and the address of the
page to be refreshed.
You can even
refresh to a different page. For example, if your site moves from one domain to
another, you can leave a page up for visitors who go to the old domain saying
that you have moved and that the user will be redirected automatically in five
When you use this
technique to reload the same page it is referred to as refreshing the page, while sending the user to a new page or
site is called redirecting the
It is generally considered bad practice to refresh entire pages, in
particular because someone might be in the middle of reading the page when you
refresh it. It is important to bear in mind that some people will not read a
page at the same speed as others (especially if they have a screen reader to
read the page to them, in which case the page ’ s automatically refreshing
would be very frustrating). The one exception to this rule would be sites such
as sports results, online chat applications, or auction sites where parts of the
page refresh so that the user has the latest information — although this kind
of refresh is done using very different techniques.
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